The manufacturing process of Synthetic Rubber

Rubber products are in huge demand for various types of automobile industries ranging from tires to gaskets. These products are extensively exploited in the creation of household appliances and industrial machineries. Rubber is a common product that is used to manufacture wide range of articles such as footwear’s and clothing. Rubber is broadly classified into two namely natural and synthetic rubbers.

The Natural Rubber was initially discovered in the Amazon basin. Brazil is the only South American nation who had set a record in production of rubber. The seeds obtained from a rubber tree was illegally transported to Britain and later exported to some of the British colonies in the Asian continent. During the late twentieth century, most of the rubber was produced in Asia which is home to numerous rubber plantations.

The production of Natural Rubber

The Natural Rubber production commences with the cultivation of the rubber trees. The rubber trees should be allowed to grow for a period of about seven years. As soon as the trees have attained a proper level of maturity, it is tapped. The tapping process is executed once in two to three days. A small portion of the bark is chopped to extract the fluid. A specific portion of the bark is healed after a period of seven years. The tree would produce nearly half a cup of latex in a day. The latex collected is allowed to mix with a diluted acid. This process is repeated.

Those who are hunting for an authentic rubber manufacturing company in Pasadena, California, United States of America, Lusida Rubber Products could be their best option.

Lusida Rubber: Producers of natural rubber

Lusida Rubber is a rubber manufacturing company headquartered at Pasadena, California. Majority of the plants are capable of generating latex, which is exuded after cutting the tree in the form of milky sap. The latex is produced from a special types of cells named ‘Laticifers’. The biological process of laticifers is that it is actually a dumping ground for various types of metabolic by-products. They are insoluble substances which contains traces of resins, phenolics, sugars and proteins.

Out of which some of them are elastic that include long-chain hydrocarbons. There are few latexes which are gathered for extracting the resins. Natural rubber is a solidified elastic latex that is produced from the latex of Hevea Brasiliensis. The native Americans, Aztecs discovered the elastic properties and water-proofing of certain plants that produces rubber.

Today, majority of the rubber production are extracted from rubber plantations located in South East Asia. The rubber are primarily used to produce tire. A natural rubber is believed to be produced from milk of a rubber tree. Few traces of petroleum is found in the case of a synthetic rubber. If you wish to convert a rubber to a sponge or a hard material, there are special chemicals which is added to form a desired shape. This distinctive properties of rubber makes it ideal to be used in a variety of applications.

During the eleventh century B.C., the inhabitants of South American took advantage of rubber to produce certain balls for sports.

Lusida Rubber aims at manufacturing only superior quality rubber catering to the needs and preferences of the customers.

Rubber Products

Lusida Rubber Products: The best ever rubber production company

Lusida Rubber Products claims to be the top rubber production company in and around California, United States of America. Back in the year 1943, when Christopher Columbus returned back to United States of America, he stumbled upon the inhabitants of America dealing with rubber balls. He realized the fact these rubber products were produced from natural rubber after extraction of milk from a rubber tree.

The natives preached the residents of Spain the significance of using rubber and brought it back to their own country. During initial stages, the Europeans ignored the benefits of rubber. The French inhabitants realized the advantages of rubber during the latter half of the seventeenth century B.C. They began to experiment it keeping in mind its importance. Over the years, they found a feasible option to produce rubber in an effective manner. This technique was followed by other countries located in and around Europe. The global empires wished to preserve the volume of rubber and later created rubber plantations.

It was one of the major reasons behind the increase in demand for rubber across Asian and African continents. With advent of industrial revolution, the production abilities for rubber were enhanced by introducing state-of-the-art modern equipments and tools. The first step involved is tapping where the latex is extracted from a rubber tree. A rubber tapper undertakes this role by using his knife. He takes advantage of a sharp hooked knife in order to expand the latex vesicles.

Lusida Rubber Products is a renowned rubber production company in California and capable of producing superior quality rubber.